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CellarInfo includes a list of almost a hundred wine types (or varieties). Use this form to enter new wine types or edit information about the default wine types. For new world wines, wine type normally means the grape variety (e.g., Chardonnay, Shiraz, Zinfandel). For old world wines, this is normally the geographic area of the appellation (e.g., Bordeaux, Burgundy, Chianti, Rioja). Included in this list are generic types (e.g., Red Wine, Sparkling, and Dessert). Use these types to designate wines for which a specific wine type is not designated.


Note that there is also wine type default information that is used to populate various fields on the Wine form when a wine type is selected for a wine. You can edit this default information for a wine type or for the specific wine when the wine type default information is applied to the wine.


For example, the default information for Chardonnay at the left shows the typical drinking range between two and four years after the vintage. For some Chardonnays the ideal time to drink them might be 10 years after the vintage year. In that case, you would adjust the default Drink By year for that specific Chardonnay. If you enter this type of information, you will be able to print reports showing which wines are at their ideal driniking age.
